MOMS - Why we run Ultra-Marathons?

MOMS - Why we run Ultra-Marathons?

Have you ever stopped mid-stride and wondered, "Why do I run?" Well, there's a whole science behind understanding this and it's fascinatingly captured in something called the Motivations of Marathoners Scales (MOMS).

MOMS is like a magnifying glass on runners' minds, showing us that reasons stretch from health goals and weight concerns to deeper needs like self-esteem boosts and finding life's meaning. It's interesting to see how running fulfils various aspects of our lives. Especially in South Africa, where ultra-distance running isn't just a sport but a passion, understanding the "whys" behind each step could be quite the revelation. Are we running towards something, or perhaps from something? MOMS tells us it might be a bit of both.

Are we running towards something, or perhaps from something?

So, the next time you lace up, think about it. Is it the health benefits, the sense of community, or the personal goals driving you? Running is more than just moving forward; it's about the stories, the motivations, and the unseen forces that keep our feet moving—one step at a time.

For the MOMS study, you can credit the work of Kevin S. Masters and colleagues. Their comprehensive research and development of the Motivations of Marathoners Scales (MOMS) offer deep insights into the diverse motivations behind marathon running. Their work has been pivotal in understanding the psychological, physical, and social drivers that inspire runners to keep pushing their limits.
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